Wednesday, December 3, 2014

M.test#6: Compressive Strength Cylinders

M.test#6: Test for compressive strength of cylinders or cubes (AASHTO T 22-92) (ASTM C39)

This test method covers determination of compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimen such as molded cylinders and cubes . It is limited to concrete having a unit weight in excess of 800 kg/m^3

Sunday, November 16, 2014

M.Test#5 : Making and curing compressive test specimens in Field AASHTO T 23-93

M.Test#5 : Making and curing compressive test specimens in Field AASHTO T 23-93

This test method covers procedures for making and curing cylindrical and prismatic beam specimen from representative sampled fresh concrete for a construction project. 
The concrete used to make molded specimens shall have the same levels of slump , air content , and percentage of coarse aggregate as represented in concrete 

M.test#4 Making and curing concrete test specimen in lab AASHTO T 126-93

M.Test#4: Making and curing compressive test specimen in lab AASHTO T 126-93

This test method covers procedures for making and curing test specimen of concrete in laboratory under accurate control of materials and test conditions using concrete that can be consolidate by rodding or vibration as described here

Saturday, November 15, 2014

M.test#3 : test method for unit weight ASTM C138

M.test#3 : Test method For Unit Weight ASTM C 138

This test method covers the weight of concrete per meter cube from air entrained machine
We can find unite weight of concrete by dividing the weight of concrete to volume of machine of machine g/cm*3

M.test#2 Air Entrained ASTM C138

M.test#2 : Test method for Air Entrained ASTM C138

This test method covers determination of the air content of freshly mixed concrete from observation of the change in volume of concrete with change in pressure

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

M.test#1 Slump Test ASTM C 143

Mix design of concrete test#1: SLUMP TEST ASTM C 143

This test method covers determination of slump of fresh concrete both in the laboratory and in the field .



Soil engineering is vital within civil engineering. The properties of a soil influence and affect a structure when being built and as a result the soil must be tested before designing

We end this chapter of "soil tests for highway purposes" with our 8 posted tests , and our next stop is " Mix Design of Concrete ACI 211"

A minor reminder of what the posted tests in this photo