Thursday, October 30, 2014

S.test #5#6#7 Atterberg Limit : Liquid Limit - Plastic Limit - Plasticity Index

Atterberg limit contains 3 tests ( liquid limit , plastic limit , plasticity limit)

S.test #5 Determination of the Liquid limit of soil AASHTO T-89 (Atterberg limit)

This procedure covers the determination of the liquid limit of soil .It covers the change of soil from elasticity position to liquid position .

S.test#6: Plastic Limit AASHTO T - 90 (Atterberg Limit)

The plastic limit of a soil is the lowest water content at which soil remains plastic 

S.test#7 Plasticity index AASHTO T-91 (Atterberg limit)
The plasticity index of a soil is the numerical difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit.It's the moisture content at which the soil is in a plastic state 

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